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False is true

Is flase true? Or true is false...

Let's find out together.

public class J {

   public static void main(String args[]) {

      if (true == false) {
         // some unicode: \u000a\u007d\u007b
         System.out.println("true is false! realy?");

This short java code prints out message "true is false! realy?". Why? Just look at the unicode characters in the comment. What are they and what do they do for the translation/compile process?

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mysql 5.0 upgrade to 5.1

The 5.1 series of MySQLwas unmasked for the gentoo portage. When upgrading from an older major version (including 5.0), you will be required to rebuild everything linked to the and You can do this by installing app-portage/gentoolkit and running: # revdep-rebuild --library # revdep-rebuild --library If you use the Portage 2.2 series, you may also use: # emerge @preserved-rebuild The official upgrade documentation is available here: Note that existing databases may need converting as well, again including those upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1.