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Heaven or Hell?

A Java programmer finds himself in front of a final committee that decides whether he should go to Heaven or stay in Hell for the rest of the time...

The committee tells the programmer he has a say in the matter and asks him if he wants to see either Heaven or Hell before stating his preference.

“Sure,” the programmer replies.  “I have a pretty good idea what Heaven is like, so let’s see the Hell.”

So an angel takes the programmer to a sunny beach, full of beautiful women in skimpy bikinis playing volleyball, listening to music and having a great time.

“Wow!” he exclaims, “Hell looks great!  I’ll take Hell definitely!”

Instantly the programmer finds himself in red-hot lava with demons tearing at his flesh.

“Where’s the beach?  The music?  The women?” he screams frantically to the angel.

“That was the demo,” the angel replies as she vanishes.

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mysql 5.0 upgrade to 5.1

The 5.1 series of MySQLwas unmasked for the gentoo portage. When upgrading from an older major version (including 5.0), you will be required to rebuild everything linked to the and You can do this by installing app-portage/gentoolkit and running: # revdep-rebuild --library # revdep-rebuild --library If you use the Portage 2.2 series, you may also use: # emerge @preserved-rebuild The official upgrade documentation is available here: Note that existing databases may need converting as well, again including those upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1.